Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year, new games

Here's some games that I've been playing in my spare time since my last update ( all the way back in last yearville! Wow! ):

- Resistance: Fall Of Man
I'm about two thirds of the way through the game so far. It's generally pretty good, but there's nothing that really stands out about it. It's just a solid, fun shooter.

- Modern Warfare 2
Only the multiplayer, and I haven't played it for a few weeks now. I go through periods of being very addicted to it, and then not playing it for weeks. I think I'm up to about rank 35 or something so far.

- Flower
Well worth the asking price. A totally fantastic use of the Sixaxis controls, and beautiful visuals and sound make for one of the most unique games that I've ever played.

- Lemmings PS3
A bit average, really. I've only played about a dozen or so levels. I just bought it off the PSN Store because it was on special over the holiday period.

- Dragon Age: Origins
Hmmm. I'm still not sure about this one. I've sunk a good ten hours or so into the game already, but it honestly hasn't really caught my imagination yet. The story so far seems very, very derivative ( it particularly "borrows" a hell of a lot from the Wheel Of Time series of books ), and there's just so much talking. It's a Bioware game, yes, so of course there's a lot of dialogue, but none of it so far has been very interesting and the way in which you choose your dialogue options seems like a step backwards after the brilliance of Mass Effect and it's handy dialogue wheel.
I'm sure I'll come back to the game and carry on with my quest at some stage, but for the time being I can't really be bothered.

- Torchlight
Now, this is more like it. Instant fun RPG action. I've been really loving this game. It's so user friendly, and you can just jump in for ten minutes and have a quick bash around a dungeon and collect some awesome loot. I haven't really played many Diablo style RPGs before this, but this has actually got me looking forward to Diablo III.

- Street Fighter 4
I just bought this off Steam on a whim, because it was so cheap during their holiday sale. I've only played it once so far for about an hour, and it reminded me that I'm not really particularly good at Street Fighter. Still, it sure is pretty to look at.

- Critter Crunch
Another PSN game that I bought. Very, very addictive. Easy to learn, but hard to master, as all good puzzle games should be. The online play is a blast, also, even though I get my ass handed to me most of the time.

Most of my time has been divided between Torchlight and Critter Crunch. I'm training for a half-marathon at the moment, so along with work, training after work and on weekends, and spending quality time with the fiance, I find that the little spare time I have I really just want to play a game that I can enjoy in small bursts.

What games have I got my eyes on next? I played the Bayonetta demo on PS3, and it was bloody awesome. I'll probably wait until I see it on special or can buy it second hand, but I'll definitely get it at some stage. Other than that, I'm very curious about Heavy Rain. I played through most of Fahrenheit ( The Indigo Prophecy to anybody reading this in North America ) and found it a rather fascinating experience. I'm hoping David Cage can actually wrangle a game out of Heavy Rain, but even if it just turns out to be an interactive movie then it's going to be a gorgeous one.
Oh, and I still want to get Brutal Legend at some stage. The demo really impressed me, and I'm sure the full game will be a blast.

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