Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Modern Warfare 2 - Objective Complete

I just finished Modern Warfare 2. I wrote in my previous post about not being overly impressed by the game, but still hoping that it might blow me away as I continued playing. This never happened, unfortunately. Sure, it had its exciting moments, but for the first time in any Call Of Duty game I actually found myself growing slightly bored as the game went on. I found the final couple of levels in Afghanistan particularly uninspiring, and by this point I was just eager to get the game over and done with.

Going on all of the rave reviews from the press and gamers alike I get the feeling I'm in the minority with my opinion, but overall the game just never really "clicked" for me. My problems with the game that I mentioned in my previous post still stand. The story was confusing, and very poorly conveyed. I honestly didn't have a clue what was happening most of the time, or what my objectives were or why the hell I was supposed to care. I did find myself dying less as the game went on, however. I think it was mainly just the tight, death-trap streets of the Rio de Janeiro that were the main cause of my frustration regarding this aspect of the game's difficulty.

I still feel very uneasy about the worth of the "Airport" level, also. I'm still not convinced that it was necessary to have it as a playable level in the game. The fact that you can choose not to play the level, and not have it affect the story completion, attests to the fact that it could easily have been left out.

I'll still play the multiplayer side of the game to death, however, which I guess is really the main attraction of the Modern Warfare games anyway.

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