Sunday, October 25, 2009

Braid: Closure

Yes! I just finished Braid. I had half a dozen puzzle pieces left in World Six, and last time I played I got pretty angry and just couldn't see the solution. But, coming back to the game now after a bit of a break, the final pieces all just fell into place. It's such a satisfying feeling. It's even more satisfying that I didn't use a walkthrough at any point, although there were a couple of times when I was tearing my hair out and felt close to cracking.

What a truly clever game. I'm not going to get into the whole "Can it be considered art?" side of things, although this game certainly does push the boundaries of what would be considered a standard game narrative into something a lot more deep and filled with metaphor. Take away all that story and subtext of the game - which I'm sure a fair few people don't really pay much attention to, anyway - and you've still got a fantastically crafted piece of gaming.

Whether or not Jonathan Blow tries to push the narrative and artistic boundaries with his next game - which, let's be honest, he probably will - as long as he creates another game that simply makes me feel joy to be playing it like Braid did, then I'll be more than satisfied.

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