Sunday, June 8, 2008

Old timer

After making the post about the Commodore 64 earlier this week, I've been thinking about all those old time games. Oh, and buying the latest issue of Retro Gamer didn't help, either.

So, this morning I decided to download some emulators of old home computers. The Amiga 500 emulator I downloaded, WinUae, was really rather tricky to set up, but I got there in the end. Unfortunately, a lot of the roms I downloaded turned out to be corrupted...or maybe it's just not that compatible with Vista.

Frustrated, I decided to go even older and download a Commodore 64 emulator, CSS64. This was a dream to set up, and before I even had time to say "Old School!", I was happily playing the classic game Barbarian, and lopping my opponent's head off with impunity.

I then decided to face my childhood demons, and play Archon. As you will have read in my C64 post earlier, I have a rather traumatic memory relating to this game from when I was a child. I bravely forged ahead, however, and I'm so glad I did. Playing this game again was a truly nostalgic experience. The title screen music, which I thought I had totally forgotten, came back to me strongly as it played. I also found that as I was playing the game, each character's attack animations suddenly flashed into my head just before I performed them. This was noticed most strongly with the Phoenix ( who kicks just as much ass as I remember ). Its burst of flame as it vanquished its foes brought back so many memories.

Unfortunately, I got my ass well and truly kicked. Oh well, it was still a great trip down memory lane.

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