Download this game! TrackMania Nations.
It's totally free, and incredibly addictive and fun. It's kind of like the spiritual successor to the classic game Stunt Car Racer from the late 80s, which I spent many hours playing as a child on my friend Phillip's Atari ST.
The "just one more go" factor in this game is amazing. Every time you score a medal ( Gold, Silver, or Bronze, and the elusive and incredibly difficult "Nadeo" medal ) on any of the dozens of tracks you score points which are then tallied up against every other player in the world and also in your region, so you can see how you compare to everyone else. This is a huge incentive to give a difficult track another try, because obviously someone else in the world has managed to get that Gold medal.
The game comes with a track editor, so you can create your own totally over the top gravity defying courses, and you can also edit the appearance of your car! The graphics are fantastic, and can easily be scaled up or down depending on your system. On my reasonably high end rig with all the bells and whistles turned on they look brilliant. The music also is very catchy. The menu music is awesome, and quite often I'll just sit there for a moment and listen to it before loading up a track.
Keep in mind, this game is free! It's far and away the greatest free game you will ever play. There are hours and hours of entertainment to be had.
Yes, there is in-game advertising, but it's kept solely to the tracks themselves ( for example, a billboard advertising the movie Wanted springs to mind ). These are easily ignorable, and in fact everything is moving so fast you hardly even notice them.